Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is Christmas Really About?

What is Christmas?
There lived a family.
That family celebrated Christmas every year,
but they didn’t realize what Christmas was really about.
There was one girl named Suzie,
Who was only four.
On Christmas Eve,
Little Suzie asked,
“What is Christmas really about?”
said Grandpa,
“maybe I can help you out there.”
Then with that,
We went to the shelf,
And pulled out
The Bible,
And read aloud
The story of Jesus’ birth.
“Once there was a man
Named Joseph.
There was a
Woman named
Who was pledged
To be married to Joseph.
Now, at that time
King David
Issued a decree
That a census
Should be taken.
So everyone under
King David’s
Had to go to his or her
Hometown to register.
So Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem
So he could register.
At that time Mary was pregnant
With a child.
That child was
Jesus Christ.
They went from door to door
Of inns to find a place to stay.
But nobody
Would let them stay

Because Mary and Joseph
Did not live
In Bethlehem.
Mary and Joseph
Were very tired.
A good innkeeper let them stay at his inn.
His inn was full,
So he let
Mary and Joseph
Stay in the stable behind the inn.
Mary gave birth
To Jesus Christ
Who later on in his life
Did miraculous
Jesus ended up dying on the
For our sins,
But that’s another story.”
At the end of the reading,
Everyone was silent.
Now they knew
Christmas was really
And grandpa could help them celebrate
Later on,
That family started
Going to church.
They became Christians,
And they lived happily ever after.

The end

1 comment:

  1. Excellent posting. It was very true & made me feel warm inside for that family. It made me smile & feel good for my family too. I can't wait to read your next posting. :>)
