Thursday, June 18, 2009

Just a little note

Hi everyone!

I just wanted to let you know a little about whats on my blog.
My blog has some reports that I have done in the past, and has all the stories that I have written. I am working on more stories now, so keep checking in on my blog to find out if I have completed some of those stories.

Bye for now,
Rose Star

Saturday, February 7, 2009

On maple Tree Lane

On Maple Tree Lane

There once was a cat, who lived with a bat. That cat and that bat lived in a cave, because both of them were very brave. They lived in a cave in the end of the street of Maple Tree Lane. One day that cat got bored, so he climbed the tree, out in their yard. From there he saw something shiny, on top of the cave. So he jumped as far as he could, and reached the top of the cave. He found that the shiny thing was a penny, from a human named Betty. Then he saw on a house, just across the street, an even bigger shiny thing. So he jumped, and made it up on that roof.
There he saw a piece of metal about the size of a screw. So now he had a penny, and a screw. Then he looked around, and up on the mountain, there was a cliff. On that cliff way up high, something glowed very brightly. So the cat said, “I can jump that, no one can beat me. I’ll jump right up there and get something shiny.” So with a big push, he jumped! Up, up, up he flew. And then landed safely on his feet on the cliff. Then he spotted the shiny thing he’d seen. It was a big brass gear, oh, so very shiny. So now he had a penny, a screw, and a gear. Then up on the peak, he saw a thing, it looked kind of shiny, but not like the other things. By now it was daybreak, and the sun was going down. But he let his curiosity get him, and he jumped! As he flew higher and higher, it got darker and darker. Finally, he reached a cliff, that was inches from the peak of the mountain. Then he grabbed it, and to his surprise, it was a pony-tail that had tinsel running through it. So now he had a penny, a screw, a gear, and apony-tail. Then, it started to rain, and it had gotten dark. Then, he spotted a cave on that same cliff, so he went to check it out. It looked like a good shelter to him, and, what was that? There was something shining in the cave. Inside the cave, he found that shiny thing. It was a piece of glass and a battery. So now he had a penny, a screw, a gear, a pony-tail, a piece of glass, and a battery. By now he was hungry, and it was so dark he couldn’t see anything. But, he was good at inventing, so he put all the pieces together, and made… a FLASHLIGHT! By now, bat was worrying where cat had gotten off to. So the bat set out to find cat. Then, cat went outside with the flashlight, and waved the flashlight all around hoping someone would find him. Then, bat showed up, and he said, “ where have you been?” “I’ll tell you when we get home.” Said cat. So then bat carried cat home, gave cat food, and then, cat told him everything he’d done that day. But you already know, right?


Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Treated Equally

Once, a long time ago, when blacks and
whites were treated differently, there was a school. And that school was for black people. One day, the Negro leagues came to
The school to give a first grade class a ride on their bus. Now, there was one boy in that particular class, named Reggie. He was all about fun and loved to go on field trips. on the bus, it was a real tight squeeze because everybody in the class had to sit in the back of the bus. That was the law back then. Finally, they stopped at a restaurant to eat.
Everybody except Reggie went inside. Reggie stayed outside , where he stared and stared at a certain white boy. This certain boy was about the same age as Reggie. He was staring right back at Reggie. The boy’s name was Will. Will waved at Reggie when he thought no one was looking. Reggie waved back. Then Reggie’s teacher came out and said, “ Reggie? Oh Reggie there you are! I’ve been looking all over for you! It’s time to eat.” “ I’ll be in soon.” Said Reggie. You better be. Said the teacher. After she left, Will walked away. That night at home, Will told his grandfather about the black boy who waved to him. Grandfather already knew, for he was at a white restaurant just across the street. I was looking out the window when I saw you. B-but-I-I-thought-no – one was looking. Will stammered. I know. Said grandpa.
Over at Reggie’s house, He told the same thing – or something like it – to his mom.What should I do? Asked Reggie. I really want to play with that white boy.I’m sorry Reggie but you can’t do anything. Yes I can. Reggie thought to himself. Martin luther king J.R is brave . I’ll ask him to do something about it. Martin Luther King J.R was Reggie’s neighbor. Martin was very brave and once said he would do something amazing. But he never did. So, the next day, Reggie went to Martin Luther King J. r ’s house to talk to him and think of a plan. “sure!”Said Martin Luther King J.r I’m always up for a challenge. Great! Said Reggie. But what can we do to make blacks equal to whites? Don’t worry Reggie.Said Martin. I have a plan. So Martin Luther King j.r went to make a difference. And when he did, the laws got changed. Reggie’s mother said to Reggie one night at the dinner table, You were right Reggie. You did make a difference. Well, along with Martin. I’m sorry I misjudged you. You have done well. The next day was Will’s birthday. Will’s mom took him to a restaurant witch was now for blacks and whites. Reggie wanted to try to go to a restaurant that used to be for whites only. It was Reggie’s little sisters birthday, but she was only one. Reggie and Will wanted to go to the same restaurant! When their parents took them, It was at the same time too! They met at the restaurant and their parents exchanged phone numbers, and where they live. They found out they only lived one block away from each other . From that day fourth, Reggie and Will were best friends. Now there is a statue of them with Martin Luther King J.r in the town square. And that proves that everyone can be equal and get along. What happened to Will and Reggie? Well , their at school playing together as best friends.

The End!!!!

Sunday, January 25, 2009

What is Christmas Really About?

What is Christmas?
There lived a family.
That family celebrated Christmas every year,
but they didn’t realize what Christmas was really about.
There was one girl named Suzie,
Who was only four.
On Christmas Eve,
Little Suzie asked,
“What is Christmas really about?”
said Grandpa,
“maybe I can help you out there.”
Then with that,
We went to the shelf,
And pulled out
The Bible,
And read aloud
The story of Jesus’ birth.
“Once there was a man
Named Joseph.
There was a
Woman named
Who was pledged
To be married to Joseph.
Now, at that time
King David
Issued a decree
That a census
Should be taken.
So everyone under
King David’s
Had to go to his or her
Hometown to register.
So Joseph took Mary to Bethlehem
So he could register.
At that time Mary was pregnant
With a child.
That child was
Jesus Christ.
They went from door to door
Of inns to find a place to stay.
But nobody
Would let them stay

Because Mary and Joseph
Did not live
In Bethlehem.
Mary and Joseph
Were very tired.
A good innkeeper let them stay at his inn.
His inn was full,
So he let
Mary and Joseph
Stay in the stable behind the inn.
Mary gave birth
To Jesus Christ
Who later on in his life
Did miraculous
Jesus ended up dying on the
For our sins,
But that’s another story.”
At the end of the reading,
Everyone was silent.
Now they knew
Christmas was really
And grandpa could help them celebrate
Later on,
That family started
Going to church.
They became Christians,
And they lived happily ever after.

The end

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa

I did my Report on Mother Teresa. In 1910, Mother Teresa was born as Gonxha Bojaxhiu on August 26, in Skopje, which is now Macedonia.

When Gonxha was in first grade, she had her first Communion. Because they were Catholic, when kids got their first Communion, they were also baptized. The kids also got slapped on the cheek, to remind them that the road ahead would not be easy.
But before kids could get baptized, they had to go through confession. They would go into the confession booth and confess to a priest. The confession room was pitch black with no lights on. The priest was behind a little window.
Later that year, Gonxha’s father died. After the funeral, Gonxha carried her rosary with her wherever she went. It reminded her that she was not alone.

By the time she was 12, Gonxha knew she wanted to devote her life to helping the poor.
In 1928, Gonxha becomes Sister Teresa of the Child Jesus, novitiate on Loreto order. She is only 18 when this happens and she is still carrying her rosary wherever she goes.
In 1929, one year later, Sister Teresa arrives in Calcutta to teach at Lroeto Entally. It is a big fenced in area where one school is for rich English people, and the other school is for rich Bengali kids.
In 1937, Sister Teresa takes her final vows, and becomes Mother Teresa of the child of Jesus. When she gets back to Calcuta, she becomes a Mother Superior.
In 1926, Mother Teresa received a calling from Jesus to serve them among the poorest of the poor. So she asked to go out to the slums of Calcutta to serve the poor. Her Mother Superior said she could, so in 1947 she moves to Calcutta’s slums to set up her first school.
In 1950, Mother Teresa founds the order of the Missionaries of Charity.

Later on she becomes a citizen of India.
In1952, Mother Teresa opens Nirmal Hriday, or “Pure Heart,” a home for the dying.
Mother Teresa accepts the Nobel Peace Prize on behalf of the poor in 1979.
In 1997, Mother Teresa steps down on March 13 as head of her order. Later that year, Mother Teresa dies on September 5, in Calcutta, India.

In 2003, Mother Teresa becomes “Blessed Teresa of Calcutta” when beatified by Pope John Paul II.
So you see, Mother Teresa did many things to help the poor. She also followed God, and trusted Him and did His will. She prayed to God often. Mother Teresa went through hard times when her father died, but that didn’t stop her. Even when she was having bad heart pains, Mother Teresa kept helping the poor. That is why today Mother Teresa is known well to Christians.

Mission San Luis Rey De Francia

Mission San Luis Rey De Francia was established on June 13, 1798, which was 210 years ago. It was established by Father Fermin Lasuén. He was a missionary from France, and came after Father Serra.
Mission San Luis Rey De Francia was the 18th mission out of 21 missions. It’s nick-name was “King of The Missions,” because it was the biggest mission of them all.
The mission church was small to the people there. Today it is called the “small church” because of them.
But really, to us the “small church” isn’t small at all.
The “small church” held 1,000 people! Later, the people
tore the “small church” down and built a bigger church that held even more people!
The mission church was 180 feet long, 28 feet wide, and 30 feet high. It was made of adobe bricks, and had burnt bricks on the outside, which came to be 6 to 9 feet wide. The mission buildings covered 6 acres around a 500-foot square patio.
In 1830, Mission San Luis Rey De Francia was making great progress. They had 30 square miles of land on which they had 27,000 cattle, 26,000 sheep, 2,000 horses, and pigs, goats, ducks, chickens, and geese. They had huge wheat fields, vegetable garden and vineyards that produced great wine, groves of olive trees, and orange trees.
Mission San Luis Rey De Francia also had a water system, too. A complicated system brought water from a nearby river through a series of 12 underground pipe lines made out of burned bricks. A charcoal filtering system filtered water for drinking. Water from springs came out of mouths of 2 figures onto a big lavanderîa or laundry pile where the mission women scrubbed their clothes. Then the water went to the fields to water the plants.
In the quadrangle (or courtyard), people had bull fights because the courtyard was so big. The first pepper tree in California was planted in the courtyard. It was brought here from Peru in 1830. It is still there today!
By 1846, mission life had disappeared. During the Mexican-American War, the United States Army used the mission as a military outpost. In 1861 President Abraham Lincoln returned the mission buildings and a few surrounding acres back to church control.
Father Joseph O’Keefe began the work of restoring the mission in 1895. In 1905, the quadrangle and church was completed. Today, it is a working mission and is still being restored by members of the parish.

The End

Let There Be Peace on Earth

I had to do a hymn report on a hymn and this is my report.

Let There Be Peace on Earth

My song is Let There be Peace on Earth. The authors and composers are Sy Miller, and Jill Jackson Miller. Jill was an actress and song writer. She wrote the song Let There be Peace on Earth in the summer of 1955. When Jill was young, she became an orphan. Jill Jackson miller had to go through foster care too.

I interviewed two people, my grandmother, and my pastor . His name is pastor Dave. The first question I asked them was , "What does this song mean to you?" Pastor Dave replied, "to me it means that I have to treat others like I want to be treated." Grandma answered, "To me this song is a sign of a God who would like to see all nations live in harmony." Next I said, " What do you feel when you sing this song?" Pastor said, " I feel hopeful that I can be a person of peace." Grandma answered, " I feel calm and peaceful." The third question was, " How can you apply this song to your life?" Grandma answered, "To try to help others and set a good example for them to follow. This would be the beginning of a web that would be spread to others to make peace on earth." Pastor Dave said, "I want to treat others equally to make peace." The final question was, "How can this song help you in times of need?" Pastor Dave said, "when I’m feeling like I don’t have peace, It gives me peace and hope." Grandma answered, "It can help me in times of need by keeping me calm, to look at the situation realistically . "

To me this song means that people are saying and calling for there to be peace on earth, and that makes me happy.

Sorry I could not find any info. on Sy Miller .

This Girl and That Boy

There once was this girl.
A very nice girl.
There once was that boy.
A very mean boy.

There once was this girl.
A very nice girl.
There once was that boy.
A very mean boy.
That boy and this girl
Lived on two different hills,
Out in the forest
Of Snowy Mc Cluff.

There once was this girl.
A very nice girl.
There once was that boy.
A very mean boy.
That boy and this girl
Lived on two different hills,
That were side by side
Out in the forest of
Snowy Mc Cluff.

There once was this girl.
A very nice girl.
There once was that boy.
A very mean boy.
That boy and this girl
Lived on two different hills,
Out in the forest
Of Snowy Mc Cluff,
With their dog and cat.

There once was this girl.
A very nice girl.
There once was that boy.
A very mean boy.
That boy and this girl
Lived on two different hills,
Out in the forest
Of Snowy Mc Cluff,
With their dog and cat,
One for him and one for her.

There once was this girl.
A very nice girl.
There once was that boy.
A very mean boy.
That boy and this girl
Lived on two different hills,
Out in the forest
Of Snowy Mc Cluff,
With their dog and cat,
One for him and one for her,
One soft and one rough.

There once was this girl.
A very nice girl.
There once was that boy.
A very mean boy.
That boy and this girl
Lived on two different hills,
Out in the forest
Of Snowy Mc Cluff,
With their dog and cat,
One for him and one for her,
One soft and one rough,
Who fought and fought,
On the mountain of Rott,
Next to hill one and hill two,
Where this girl and that boy live,
Out in the forest of Snowy Mc Cluff.
On the mountain of Rott,
Where they fought and they fought,
Were this girl and that boy,
With their dog and their cat,
One soft and one rough,
They fought with each other,
That boy liked It a lot.

This girl however,
One day thought,
“ I’ve got better things to do
Than just sit here and rot,
While I get beaten by hot potatoes and rocks.
I’ll quit this right now.
He can fight if he wants,
But he’ll have to fight,
His pets if he wants
To even fight at all.”
She thought with a smile.

And with one swift move,
She said with a smile,
“That boy, I quit!!!!!”

Said that boy.
“I’ll play on my own!!”
He said with a huff.
“I don’t need you I’ve have plenty of stuff!”

So this girl lived a long happy life,
While that boy stayed and fought.
But when it was time for Christmas,
That boy was very bored.
He was cold,
He was hungry,
He did not like it a lot.

So he said to himself,
“ I guess this war has gone far too long.”
And with that,
That boy went and apologized to this girl.
“I’m sorry” he said.
“This war has gone far too long.”

So then this girl
Took care of all of that boy’s needs,
And then with a smile,
That boy turned nice,
And became a this.
And from then on,
This girl and this boy
Lived as happy lives
As the trees were live.
The End!