Saturday, February 7, 2009

On maple Tree Lane

On Maple Tree Lane

There once was a cat, who lived with a bat. That cat and that bat lived in a cave, because both of them were very brave. They lived in a cave in the end of the street of Maple Tree Lane. One day that cat got bored, so he climbed the tree, out in their yard. From there he saw something shiny, on top of the cave. So he jumped as far as he could, and reached the top of the cave. He found that the shiny thing was a penny, from a human named Betty. Then he saw on a house, just across the street, an even bigger shiny thing. So he jumped, and made it up on that roof.
There he saw a piece of metal about the size of a screw. So now he had a penny, and a screw. Then he looked around, and up on the mountain, there was a cliff. On that cliff way up high, something glowed very brightly. So the cat said, “I can jump that, no one can beat me. I’ll jump right up there and get something shiny.” So with a big push, he jumped! Up, up, up he flew. And then landed safely on his feet on the cliff. Then he spotted the shiny thing he’d seen. It was a big brass gear, oh, so very shiny. So now he had a penny, a screw, and a gear. Then up on the peak, he saw a thing, it looked kind of shiny, but not like the other things. By now it was daybreak, and the sun was going down. But he let his curiosity get him, and he jumped! As he flew higher and higher, it got darker and darker. Finally, he reached a cliff, that was inches from the peak of the mountain. Then he grabbed it, and to his surprise, it was a pony-tail that had tinsel running through it. So now he had a penny, a screw, a gear, and apony-tail. Then, it started to rain, and it had gotten dark. Then, he spotted a cave on that same cliff, so he went to check it out. It looked like a good shelter to him, and, what was that? There was something shining in the cave. Inside the cave, he found that shiny thing. It was a piece of glass and a battery. So now he had a penny, a screw, a gear, a pony-tail, a piece of glass, and a battery. By now he was hungry, and it was so dark he couldn’t see anything. But, he was good at inventing, so he put all the pieces together, and made… a FLASHLIGHT! By now, bat was worrying where cat had gotten off to. So the bat set out to find cat. Then, cat went outside with the flashlight, and waved the flashlight all around hoping someone would find him. Then, bat showed up, and he said, “ where have you been?” “I’ll tell you when we get home.” Said cat. So then bat carried cat home, gave cat food, and then, cat told him everything he’d done that day. But you already know, right?